15 Best Free SEO Tools to optimise and analyse your websites performance in 2019.
Are you looking for a list of the most useful free SEO tools in 2019 to analyse your websites performance ? Look no further.
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a marketing-related discipline which focuses on increasing visibility in organic search engine results (Google, Yahoo, Bing…). It is used for driving traffic, improving rankings, and increasing recognition of your newly created website in search engines.
If you implement the right 2019 SEO tools, your website will be able to rank high in searches engine results, thus acquiring higher visibility and more targeted traffic. These 15 powerful tools can help you improve your online presence, get a higher ROI, and bring more profit in the long run.
If you’re on a tight budget, this list should serve you well.
Lets get started
15 Best Free SEO Tools :
Google PageSpeed Insights
Google Analytics
Google Webmaster Tools / Search Console
Moz Open Site Explorer / Link Explorer
Google Keyword planner
Google keyword planner
Google trends
Schema creator
Seo title checkup
Moz Toolbar
SERP’S Rank Checker
Ahref’s site explorer and backlink checker
In 2019, using SEO tools is a must. So be sure to try the above-mentioned tools which are guaranteed to help you meet your objectives.
What are some other SEO tools that you’ve found useful?
Surprise! You can now activate the Dark Mode of Facebook Messenger. We will explain everything to you.
The moon 🌙 emoji to activate the dark mode :
If the dark mode of Facebook Messenger is officially still in development, there is still a trick to benefit from a preview of the interface.
In a messenger chat window, go to the conversation settings (symbolized by an “i” at the top right on Android, or by clicking on the name of your contact at the top of the screen on iOS).
Tap the Emojis menu to change the default emoji for the conversation, and choose the crescent moon 🌙.
Then send the emoji to your contact, you will see an animation with several crescents, then a new window showing you have unlocked the dark mode.
You can then enable or disable the dark mode in your settings.
Keep in mind that if this method does NOT work, Facebook may have not rolled out the feature to your account yet.
If it did work, ,CONGRATS ! We hope you enjoy your new Dark mode!
Linkedin Live : A new live video broadcast service
Finally LinkedIn launches Video Live, giving people and organizations the ability to broadcast real-time video to select groups, or to the LinkedIn world at large
Launching in beta first in the United states, LinkedIn Live will be invite-only. In coming weeks, LinkedIn will also creat a contact form for others users who want to get in on the action. Until now, It’s not clear when and if LinkedIn will make it possible for everyone to create LinkedIn Live videos.
LinkedIn says it is serious about its efforts, despite being late. Microsoft ( Linkedin ) has selected a handful of third-party developers of other live broadcast streaming services to work with creatives to push “more polished live video” on the platform.
These include Wirecast, Switcher Studio, Wowza Media Systems, Socialive and Brandlive, “with more to come in the following weeks,” LinkedIn said.
“Video is the fastest growing format on our platform right now, and the one most likely to get people talking,”
said Pete Davies, the director of product management at LinkedIn. He and LinkedIn declined to give specific figures in terms of how many video creators or viewers there are, except to note that “millions” of LinkedIn members have used the feature.
“Live has been the most requested feature,”
he said. Users can “like” videos as they are being broadcast, with the likes floating along the screen. Viewers can ask questions or make suggestions in the comments in real time. Hosts can moderate those comments in real time, too, to remove harassing or other messages, Davies added.
What about the monetization ?
Microsoft wouldn’t comment on future monetization plans for linkedin live videos, and for now isn’t even putting video ads into LinkedIn Live videos.
“That will come down the road, but for right now we are focused on awesome use cases,”
said Peter Roybal, head of video product management, in an interview.
“This could even be a way to try out some new ideas.”
Instagram is about to launch a Quiz Stickers option to be used in stories, which would provide additional creative options for boosting engagement via your Stories with your Followers.
Quiz stickers are going to be very useful for companies, radio/TV presenters and influencers who like to engage their followers online.
Stories are becoming more famous among people on different platforms. Based on this, LinkedIn and YouTube are also planning to experiment with this. Twitter and Pinterest may also be looking forward to it, but there is no confirmed news. The way users engage online is changing and all the social platforms are noticing the evolution and are thus considering the options of bringing in new features.
And with more than 500 million people now using Instagram Stories every day, it’s worth businesses considering how they can make use of the function. Facebook has been saying for years now that Stories are the future of social sharing, and the latest usage data indicates that they may well be correct
Stories seem to be a very big deal as all social platforms are either working on it or planning to.
On January 4, 2019, a mysterious account, @world_record_egg, made its appearance on the web of the very popular social network, Instagram. The most-liked post on Instagram is now a simple photo of an egg
Now, the account has three new photos of the same egg and there are some ‘eggciting’ developments. 🐥🐣
The egg that has amassed a following of 8.8 million in little over a week has now started to crack.
On Instagram, the record for the most liked photo is now … to an egg
The image was uploaded by the account @world_record_egg on Friday 4 January, posted with the caption: “Let’s set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram. Beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner (18 million)! We got this.” #World_Record_Egg
10 days later on Monday 14 January, the photo of the egg duly surpassed the reality TV star’s total, reaching 50 million likes during that afternoon.
The power of influencer marketing
By having a strong network, the egg account was able to utilize shoutouts ( on stories ) and shares to get its page recognized by millions very quickly. If you’re looking to grow your page quickly, make sure that you have informative content on it and then connect with individuals who have similar markets and can offer a shoutout.
Of course, you might have to shout them out in return, but this is a great way to grow quickly. When a new audience sees your image and clicks on your social media, its members will find the informative content and want to follow you.
On the post of the egg, various online influencers were tagged : pewdiepie CNN , theellenshow (tv show), jimmyfallon (comedian), buzzfeed (viral news) and more.
Digital Marketing in 2019 is already proving the importance of social media in brand recognition and global awareness. By integrating interactive features, you too can engage your users and promote their unified action toward a common goal, increasing the overall buzz.
Do you think that our FELFEL Pic can beat the record of likes on Instagram too ? 😂
The felfel picture has reached today more than 900 likes 🔥🌶️
As is the case each year, Buffer is releasing its 2019 Social Media Trends report. More than 1840 marketing professionals answered the questions on the platform.
89% of marketers favor social networks in their strategy
For this year, as in 2018, social networks will occupy an important place in the marketing strategy for 89% of respondents. However, while the majority of these people (72%) feel that their strategy on social networks has been effective, 19% remain skeptical about the results for their brand.
Regarding the platforms used to implement this strategy, 93% of respondents continue to use Facebook, 84% are on Twitter and 80% also use Instagram.
Metrics side in these strategies, the ROI is calculated in relation to commitment (60%), traffic (51%), leads (48%) or sales (43%).
Videos are the most popular content, stories have yet to convince
For many social marketers, videos are the most used format of content to showcase their brand. They are 85.5% to post on social networks, and their number continues to grow. Most of these videos are posted monthly (36.7%), while 24% are published weekly (24.3%). Finally, 12.9% of pros post videos daily.
As always, Facebook remains the main platform for publishing videos (81.2%), followed by YouTube (62.9%) and Instagram (57.8%). Regarding Instagram, very few professionals make regular use of IGTV (only 12%). But for 2019, the good resolution of 71% of them is to create more content on the platform.
Stories are also a content format that is of interest to social marketing professionals. While a minority of them invested in this format in 2018 (37%), the majority (61%) expect to catch up by 2019. Of those who were able to analyze the scope of their stories, 57% rated them as very effective or quite effective. 34.6% remain uncertain of their effectiveness.
While email applications are becoming more popular with users, many marketing professionals are not yet able to tap the vein. Used to maintain private conversations with a very small group of interlocutors, it remains difficult for brands to interfere in these interfaces without being intrusive
For example, 71% of the professionals representing these brands did not use the messaging applications for their marketing, and 50% do not intend to do so in 2019. For those who choose to do so anyway usage, the most popular platforms are Messenger (75%), WhatsApp (39%) and Slack (17%).
Influence marketing is also highly successful among professionals, although good practices concerning this promotion strategy remain unclear for most of them (44.8%). Thus, a good third of professionals embark on the adventure (37.2%), and among them, 68% judged the experience very effective or quite effective. 23% remain unsure about the effectiveness of influence marketing, but 88% of those who have integrated it into their strategy will do so again in 2019.
This marketing influence, many professionals use it on Instagram (70%), Facebook (35%) or Twitter (29.5%).
Les chiffres clés des réseaux sociaux en Tunisie 2019
Aujourd’hui, les réseaux sociaux sont de plus en plus présents dans nos vies. Digital Discovery a répertorié pour vous les chiffres clés et les statistiques des réseaux sociaux les plus utilisés en Tunisie en 2019 ( Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin et Messenger ). Alors…quels sont les chiffres clés des réseaux sociaux en Tunisie en 2019 ?
Les réseaux sociaux ne cessent d’évoluer en Tunisie, que ce soit en nombre d’utilisateurs ou de fonctionnalités. Certains sont là depuis plus de 15 ans dans le paysage social media : LinkedIn (2003), Facebook (2004), YouTube (2005), Twitter (2006). D’autres ont fait leur place grâce à de nouveaux usages : WhatsApp (2009), Instagram (2010), Snapchat (2011), Messenger (2011)
Nombre d’utilisateurs de Facebook en Tunisie – 2019
On commance par le Géant Facebook qui est aujourd’hui le réseau social mondial numéro 1. Avec plus de 2 milliards d’utilisateurs par mois, le réseau bleu est à la première place.
Certaines statistiques peuvent être utilisées pour mieux appréhender les pratiques des internautes. Elles permettent de développer une stratégie de communication en ligne plus cohérente pour intéresser les consommateurs.
Chiffres : 7 300 000 de comptes facebook en Tunisie en 2019
Nombre d’utilisateurs de Messenger en Tunisie – 2019
Facebook Messenger, la première application de messagerie !
Avec les 1,3 milliards de Facebook Messenger, Facebook reste le numéro 1 dans la messagerie instantanée. WhatsApp d’ailleurs racheté par Facebook vient en deuxième position avec presque le même chiffre. Wechat, QQ et Skype vient loin derrière avec des utilisateurs chiffrés en millions ; respectivement, 938 – 861 et 300 millions d’utilisateurs.
Sur les 4 100 000 utilisateurs de Messenger en Tunisie, on constate que 54% sont des Hommes et 46% sont des femmes. Le réseau cible une population plus jeune qui ont entre 13 et 34 ans.
Nombre d’utilisateurs d’Instagram en Tunisie – 2019
En Tunisie, les utilisateurs d’Instagram sont 49% de femmes et 51% d’hommes, 1 million d’utilisateurs dans le monde, le réseau en compte à la fin de l’année 2018, 1 milliard ! Le réseau a gagné 500 millions d’utilisateurs en moins de 2 ans. Qui dit mieux ?
Sur les 1 900 000 comptes Instagram en Tunisie, nous assistons à une égalité entre hommes et femmes présents sur cette application.
Nombre d’utilisateurs de Linkedin en Tunisie – 2019
Le réseau social des professionnels LinkedIn compte environ 115 millions d’utilisateurs actifs chaque jour dans le monde. Pour bien utiliser cette plateforme, quelques informations importantes sont à savoir. L’ajout d’images dans les publications est indispensable, l’augmentation observée pour le taux de commentaires est de 98 % ! Un bon message doit être compris entre 16 et 25 mots pour le secteur B2B, alors qu’il se situe entre 21 et 25 mots pour le B2C.
Avec 1 million d’utilisateurs tunisiens, Linkedin est légèrement favorisé par les Hommes qui représentent 61% des utilisateurs actifs.
Les réseaux sociaux dans le monde :
Alors que la population mondiale compte à l’heure actuelle 7,6 milliards d’habitants, les derniers chiffres font état de 4,1 milliards d’internautes pour 3,3 milliards de personnes actives sur les réseaux sociaux, soit 43 % de la population mondiale.
How well do you know what the world searched for this year? Play the quiz “Game of the year” based on 2018GoogleTrends andfind out.
MeetGame of the Year. Part ofYear in Search 2018, the Google annual roundup of top trends of the past 12 months “Game of the Year” is the first game based on Google Search trends that puts your knowledge of 2018 to the test in an interactive way.
The game is so simple & easy : every player must answer a series of questions about this year’s trending searches, collecting points along the way. The questions get harder as you progress through the game. A special bonus round increases the difficulty even more. Players can also challenge their friends to test their own Google Search trendiness by sharing the quiz on social networks.
Want to test your own Google Search trendiness ? You might even find the answer to the burning question on everyone’s mind: which famous Justin won the Search battle, justin Bieber, justin Timberlake or justin Trudeau ?
In today’s increasingly digital media world, it’s sometimes easy to forget about the importance of printed material. Take a look at our selection of 10 of the most creative print campaigns of 2018.
In nowadays of digital media, it’s easy to overlook the artwork of print ads. However the medium is still as relevant and powerful as ever. Whereas TV spots and social media campaigns also play into how brands promote themselves, print ads are still a key part of the puzzle. And simply since you’re working with an age-previous medium does not imply your design cannot create one thing memorable and filled with affect – as these examples show.
Sometimes still is better than animated. Sure, video is king. Sure, GIFs are awesome. However the fact is that print advertisements still have their role in today’s marketing mix. And when it comes to print, creativity rules.
In this article, we’ve pulled together the most top 10 impressive, funny, controversial hard-hitting and downright genius print ad around in 2018.
Check out our selection of some of the most creative print campaigns of this year.
1-Nivea – Night cream :
2-RedBull – Batteries :
3-Tabasco – Hot sauce :
4- Nike – Air max :
5- Oreo– Double lait :
6- Nescafé – Wake up :
7- Mcdo– Happy Father’s Day :
8- Food Bank :
9- Chup Chups – Sugarless :
10- Barilla – Happy New Year :
Print advertisements can still be the most powerful medium for getting your message across, as the above highly innovative print advertising campaigns confirmed us.