All posts by Djaz

Digital Marketer Manager

Instagram Shopping is Now Available In 8 new Countries

Launched last year in the U.S. Instagram opens up its shopping feature to 8 more countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the U.K, That means brands in those countries can now add e-commerce links within their Instagram  organc posts to help drive transactions from the image-sharing app, which has about 800 million users worldwide.


Shopping Made Seamless  :

The Facebook-owned Instagram introduced the service in the U.S. last year, letting marketers create an account that could drive transactions without having to hand over a portion of their sales to Facebook. More than 200 million Instagram users visit one or more business profiles daily, providing brands with a potentially broad audience worldwide, the company said.

We know that Instagram is a great place for people to discover and share their passions. With shopping on Instagram, this sense of discovery goes even further by giving people a visual storefront to explore new products from businesses they follow. With easy access to pricing and product details, shoppers can tap on a tagged post within feed or through the shop button on a business’s profile to take the next steps to learn more.


“With easy access to pricing and product details, shoppers can tap on a tagged post within their feeds or through the shop button on a business’s profile to take the next steps to learn more,” says Instagram.


Now, people can go from inspiration to information and purchase in just a few taps, and do so in a way that’s organic to the Instagram experience. What next ?

Linkedin : Introducing video for Sponsored Content and Company Pages

Video is the most popular content form, in terms of engagement and conversions, across all social platforms, and LinkedIn is no exception.

Now, Marketers and brands can leverage video for Sponsored Content and Company Pages to reach and engage the right audiences, the right way. Digital Marketers will also be able to use LinkedIn’s suite of advertising tools to promote video though Sponsored Content and lead generation campaigns, the company announced Thursday.

Bring Your Campaigns to Life with Video for Sponsored Content ! 


Video for Sponsored Content helps you achieve your marketing objectives across the funnel by :

  • Building brand awareness by telling rich, visual stories in the premium context of LinkedIn
  • Driving qualified traffic to your desktop or mobile website, and
  • Collecting high-quality leads with a persistent “call to action” button or through our integrated Lead Gen Forms product.


This is the newest addition to LinkedIn’s efforts to expand their digital advertising services for B2B marketers, following their expanded Audience Network last year. Following the changes, LinkedIn reported a 60% spike in views on their News Feed, and twice the engagement from likes, comments and shares.


Video content is crucial for our brand, and these changes allow LinkedIn’s professional community to more easily derive value from the content we are producing. While our videos can be long – up to 3 minutes – we are seeing deep engagement at a great value. — Kaydee Bridges, Vice President, Digital & Social Media Strategy at Goldman Sachs.


Video for Sponsored Content and Company Pages is rolling out from today, and will be available to all businesses within the next few weeks


Facebook enregistre vos appels et vos messages sans vous alerter

Sur Facebook, dans les paramètres il y a l’option : « Téléchargez une copie de vos données » qui permet de consulter les informations archivées par Facebook. Mauvaise nouvelle, l’option réserve quelques surprises. A commencer par l’archivage de tous vos appels téléphoniques et de tous vos messages SMS…

La multiplicité de données archivées sur Facebook n’en finit pas de surprendre. Tout cela part de l’affaire Cambridge Analytica. Facebook a fourni des données sur 50 millions d’utilisateurs à un chercheur inconnu qui a travaillé à Cambridge Analytica, une société privée de communication stratégique. En résumé, des données personnelles se retrouvaient dans les mains de parfaits inconnus…Oups !

Sur les tweets ci-dessous, Dylan McKay a vu que son fichier de données Facebook contenait des enregistrements de différents SMS envoyés de son smartphone ainsi que différents appels téléphoniques réalisés entre novembre 2016 et juillet 2017. Il précise ne pas utiliser Messenger pour envoyer ses messages.

Découvrez le Tweet de @dylanmckaynz :

Facebook écrit « Vous avez peut-être vu des rapports récents, selon lesquels Facebook à conservé l’historique des appels et des SMS des personnes sans leur permission. Ce n’est pas le cas ».

Il est ainsi expliqué que « la journalisation de l’historique des appels et des messages fait partie d’une fonctionnalité d’activation pour les utilisateurs de Messenger ou de Facebook Lite sur Android ». Cette fonctionnalité a été déployée pour « trouver et rester en contact » avec ses proches et « offrir une meilleure expérience sur Facebook ». L’on comprend ainsi que la fonctionnalité existe bien et que d’après Facebook « les gens doivent expressément accepter d’utiliser cette fonctionnalité ».

Sur la photo ci-dessous, on peut voir de quelle manière la fonctionnalité apparait, les options proposées sont « Activer » ou « Pas maintenant ».

Précisons :

Cette option n’apparait que sur les smartphones Androids alors pas d’inquiétudes pour les utilisateurs d’Iphones.

En tout cas, n’oubliez pas que ce que vous générez et publiez est enregistré quelque part.

Conclusion, on ne sait jamais vraiment ce que l’on cède aux réseaux sociaux

3 Top Tech Trends Small Businesses Need to Adopt This Year [Infographic]

As technology evolves, new applications come into play, broadening opportunities for different kinds of business.

Right now, we’re seeing that shift for SMBs – the development of new, advanced and easy to use tools is giving smaller operators the chance to compete with larger organizations, by using the same tools they are to dominate their sectors.

That’s the focus of this new infographic from Salesforce – in it, Salesforce highlights three advanced tech trends which SMBs can now tap into to maximize their performance.

They may seem out of reach for small players, but as noted in the graphic, new opportunities are arising. It’s worth considering whether they may be of value for your organization.

Tunisie : Top 10 des chaînes YouTube ayant le plus d’abonnés

Socialblade, outil big data YouTube, vous présente pour la nouvelle année le palmarès 2017 des 10 chaines youtube Tunisienne les plus performantes sur YouTube, sur le monde entier.

Thisiz Balti la chaine youtube de Balti est en tête de classement avec ses 1,678,275 abonnés

  • Réussir à gagner autant d’abonnés permet d’abord au chanteur d’obtenir des vues organiques sur les nouvelles vidéos postées sur la chaîne. Mais, ce succès reflète surtout la capacité de Balti à susciter un véritable engagement de la part d’une communauté de fans, plus encore que sur les autres réseaux sociaux en raison de l’intensité de la consommation vidéos de l’abonné.

En 2eme position on retrouve la chaine youtube d’Elhiwar Ettounsi avec ses 1,142,679 abonnés

  • En cumul de vues depuis sa création, la chaîne d’Elhiwar Ettounsi reste en tête, et se place en 1ere position sur les vues grâce à ses 6,462 vidéos postées

    Plus généralement, les chaines Youtube Tunisiennes de média télé et Radio (Elhiwar, Attessia, Nessma…) et de musique (Balti, Klay, Armasta) dominent ce top 10 des abonnés.

Socialblade, la plateforme big data permettant une analyse poussée des données Youtube et autres réseaux sociaux.
Les principales fonctionnalités permettent la recherche de vidéos/chaînes sur une large sélection de critères, la réalisation de benchmarks personnalisés, la sélection d’influenceurs les plus pertinents basée sur l’audience de ces derniers, la prospection de talents YouTube pour les networks notamment et encore bien d’autres…

2018 : the year of Video Marketing [Infographic]

Most likely you’ve heard the details – online video drives better engagement, live video is seeing gigantic reaction rates, 80% of all web activity will be video by 2019.

If you’re not sure whether you should be investing in video content, the evidence is fairly clear. And while not everyone has the capacity, or capability, to create great video material, there are more options and tools with which to do so than ever before. With a little creative thinking, you should be able to tap into video in some form to help boost your marketing efforts.

Underlining this, the team from depositphotos have put together this new infographic of key video stats for 2018.

Underlining this, the team have put together this new infographic of key video details for 2018.

Among the key information focuses:

  • 90% of shoppers say video can enable them to settle on purchasing choices
  • Saying the word ‘video’ in your email title builds open rates by 19%
  • Video on presentation pages can build transformations by up to 80%

For more video details, look at the full infographic underneath:

Linkedin : Video Ads Are Finally Coming

LinkedIn introduced LinkedIn Video on their mobile app back in August 2017, video ads seemed like an inevitability, and they are now one step closer.

They announced today that it is running a closed beta test of video for sponsored content “with a limited number of advertisers.”

These new video ads will initially debut on mobile, with desktop to be added “in the near future.”

Now, Brands will be able to upload video content via Campaign Manager, their company pages or their showcase pages, and that content can then be promoted as part of sponsored content campaigns.

42 Online Marketing Tools for Digital Marketers [Infographic]

As a Digital Marketer you’re always handeling multiple channels at a time. It’s not only time consuming but also hard to stay on top. Here’re 42 online marketing tools ( Free & Paid ) that will help you out ! ?

The Online marketing tools accessible to advanced advertisers make many tedious, time-consuming tasks easier. With the regularly expanding number of channels to communicate with your clients, the more tools to improve your online presence, the better. And when it comes to choosing a medium for your message, the choice turns out to be all the more confounding.

It’s All About Online Tools ?

There’s social network marketing, SEM : search engine marketing and SEO search engine optimization, to give some examples of the stages to obtain your advanced digital marketing plan. What web sites do you choose and which strategies work ponders? The decisions are innumerable and that is the reason we made an infographic to understand everything.

Digital marketing tools have come a long way from spreadsheet-based reports.

These tools can take you even further towards achieving your business goals.

10 Ways to Increase Brand Awerness [Infographic]

Today, Brands have turn into extra essential than ever earlier than. As a substitute of specializing in promoting their merchandise, companies now decide to extend their brand awerness. A model conveys a enterprise’s expertise, credibility, and high quality, subsequently, outliving merchandise which have life cycles and alter over time.

Increasing your brand awareness is the first step towards making more sales. Brand Awerness is the thread that holds collectively your advertising and marketing campaigns and builds a foundation in your promoting aims. However earlier than creating a good impression meant to encourage extra customers to purchase your product, they must first become aware of your entreprise existence.

This new infographic from Panda Paper Roll outlines 10  ways you should use to extend your Brand Awerness.

Hopefully it might assist increase your strategic campaigns.