
Digital Marketer Manager


Panera bread wrongful death lawsuit

Panera Bread finds itself entangled in yet another wrongful death lawsuit, this time originating from a Florida family who alleges that the consumption of the restaurant’s caffeinated lemonade triggered cardiac arrest in Dennis Brown. Responding to a previous legal incident earlier this year, Panera took steps in late October to issue warnings and introduce menu […]


70 year old woman also gave birth in 2020

Last week, a 70-year-old woman in Uganda underwent a cesarean section to deliver a baby boy and a girl at a medical center in the capital. The woman had received in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments utilizing donor eggs. Despite being born prematurely at 31 weeks and weighing three pounds each, the newborns are reported to […]


70 year old woman gives birth to twins

A 70-year-old woman in Uganda has welcomed twins after undergoing fertility treatment, making her one of the world’s oldest mothers. Safina Namukwaya gave birth to a baby boy and girl on November 29th. The cesarean section delivery took place at the Women’s Hospital International and Fertility Center in Kampala, the capital city, as confirmed by […]