Rick ross fight video

Rick Ross doesn’t seem too fazed by last night’s events, telling Digital Discovery that “Vancouver is a beautiful city and he can’t wait to go back.”

He also mentioned that no one on his team sustained any serious injuries following the altercation, adding a touch of levity by saying, “All is fair in the 2024 Rap Wars.”

Rick Ross had a tumultuous night at his show in Canada, culminating in a physical altercation that was caught on camera. The incident occurred after he performed at Sunday’s Ignite Music Festival in Vancouver. Around 10:30 PM, as Rick stepped offstage into a crowded area, he became embroiled in a heated argument with several men over their decision to end the set with Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us” playing in the background.

Witnesses reported that a group of about 15 men approached Rick and formed a human barricade, preventing him and his crew from moving freely. In the footage, you can see the argument escalate, with one of the men suddenly throwing a punch at Rick, causing liquid from his drink to spill into the air. It’s unclear from the video whether Rick was hit directly in the face.

Chaos ensued as the two groups clashed, resulting in a brutal fight where several men were seen kicking and punching another individual.

Despite the melee, Rick Ross remains unfazed and positive about his experience in Vancouver.



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