facebook bug ads tools

BUG with the Facebook ads tools ( Reach and frequency buying )

Facebook ads gives us a couple options for buying brand ads ( Reach and frequency buying & Auction buying ) we can choose thoses options from the Ads mnager or from the Power Editor, but the Reach and frequency buying is NOT alowed for everyone ( Not for me too )

I can’t select to Reach and frequency option :
bug facebook ads tools digital marketing

As facebook Help says : Access to the reach and frequency buying type is rolling out gradually and may not be available to you at this time. ( like me ?)

I have requested access to this option but i have received an email that my account cannot route with Reach and Frequency request.
bug facebook ads tools digital marketing
But, even if i do not have access to this option via ads manager and Power editor, I could use it in another way, how ? I will explain to you ( Here is the Bug ) :

1- First, i access to the campaign Planner tool that i haven’t it from the menu bar by the URL : https://business.facebook.com/ads/planner ( First Bug )

So, as you see, I do not have this tool :

2- Then, i create my Plans with the Compaing Planner ( Frequency cap, audience chedule…) and i click Reserve for purchase :

3-Finaly, i continue to the Power Editor tool and NOW i can use the Buying Type : Reach and Frequency :

Conclusion, if you do not have access to use the reach and frequency buying option, Now you know what to do ?