In a surprising turn of events, a 70-year-old man, affectionately known as “Uncle Sadegh,” has become an unexpected symbol of resistance in Iran. His infectious dance moves, captured at a Rasht fish market, went viral, triggering a series of dance-inspired protests. This grassroots movement, fueled by chants of “ow, ow, ow, ow!” expressing local excitement, […]
Les conditions météorologiques du début de semaine ont été marquées par un ciel nuageux dans toutes les régions. Le premier bulletin météo de la journée prévoit un vent d’ouest, faible à modéré, vitesse 15 à 25 km/h. La mer agitée dans le golfe de Tunis et sur le reste du littoral n’est pas non plus […]
Dove posso guardare la Messa di Natale in TV oggi, lunedì 25 dicembre 2023? Una delle feste più importanti per i cristiani, che segna la nascita di Gesù. Quando è prevista la Messa di Natale 2023? Dove posso vederla in TV? Prenota oggi alle 10:55 su Rai 1 nella Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano […]
This evening marks Santa Claus’s annual journey from the North Pole to distribute gifts to children worldwide. As tradition dictates, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) will actively track Santa’s expedition for Christmas 2023. NORAD, entrusted with safeguarding the skies above the United States and Canada, has diligently monitored Santa’s Christmas Eve voyage for […]