All posts by Djaz

Digital Marketer Manager

Free Digital Marketing Books & Tutorials


10 Free Digital Marketing Ebooks That Will Make You a Better Digital Marketer in 2017

1-Instagram Marketing Crash Course for Entrepreneurs

Learn powerful strategies and methods of how to use Instagram to build your audience, your brand and your business!

Download Link :

2-Marketing Analytics: Presenting Digital Marketing Data

Learn how to effectively present digital marketing data from Google Analytics to your stakeholders. Structure your digital marketing report, interpret and present insightful data, and view live examples that show you how to tackle each section of your report.

Download Link :

3- 400+ Essential Digital Marketing Tips

Download “400+ Essential Digital Marketing Tips” 400-Essential-Digital-Marketing-Tips-Djaziri.pdf – Downloaded 3183 times – 2.20 MB

4- Social media – In An English Village

Download “Social media - In An English Village” Social-media-In-An-English-Village.pdf – Downloaded 2148 times – 28.28 MB

5- Social Media Marketing: Facebook & Instagram

Download “Social Media Marketing: Facebook & Instagram” Social-Media-Marketing_-Faceboo-Sudarma-Sopian.pdf – Downloaded 2980 times – 2.90 MB

6- Strategic Social Media From Marketing to Social Change

Download “Strategic Social Media From Marketing to Social Change” Strategic-Social-Media-From-Marketing-to-Social-Change.pdf – Downloaded 2694 times – 5.74 MB

7 – The Social Media WHY: A Busy Professionals Practical Guide to Using Social Media

The Internet and social media have created a new group of Haves and Have-Nots in business. The Haves enjoy a competitive advantage, access to nearly unlimited information, and are pushing the Have-Nots out of leadership roles (and sometimes jobs) in organizations. In The Social Media WHY, marketing strategist and international speaker Crystal Washington dispels the myths surrounding using social media for business and concisely demonstrates the very practical ways that innovative professionals are using social media to become more efficient, effective and connected.

Download “The Social Media WHY” The_Social_Media_WHY_-_Crystal_Washington.pdf – Downloaded 2655 times – 2.47 MB


8- Linkedin – Social Media Marketing

Learn How To Break And Dominate Linkedin!

Download link :

9 – Digital Marketing Strategies for Business Owners

Are you ready to get more sales using a Sales Funnel, Social Media Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing Strategies?

Are you ready to build a sales funnel? connections with customers on social media? and affliate marketers to sell your products?

Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest, Periscope, Blab, and Google+ all have thousands of customers waiting for you.

Download link :

10 – The Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns by Ian Dodson

Have created a new group of Haves and Have-Nots in business. The Haves enjoy a competitive advantage, access to nearly unlimited information, and are pushing the Have-Nots out of leadership roles (and sometimes jobs) in organizations. In The Social Media WHY, marketing strategist and international speaker Crystal Washington dispels the myths surrounding using social media for business and concisely demonstrates the very practical ways that innovative professionals are using social media to become more efficient, effective and connected.

Download “The Art of Digital Marketing” The-art-of-Digital-Marketing.pdf – Downloaded 2616 times – 18.67 MB


Thanks and don’t hesitate to like & share 😉


⚡Les chiffres clés des réseaux sociaux en Tunisie | 2017


Chiffres réseaux sociaux :

Internet prend une place de plus en plus grande dans la vie des Tunisiens.

Sur les 7,5 milliards d’habitants, 3,81 milliards sont internautes (51%) et 2,91 milliards sont actifs sur les réseaux sociaux (39% de la population mondiale)


Alors…combien de personnes utilisent vraiment les réseaux sociaux en Tunisie ?

Si nous avons décidé de rédiger cet article, c’est en particulier pour faire un état des lieux de l’utilisation des principaux réseaux sociaux en Tunisie en 2017 :

Trouver, vérifier et mettre à jour les chiffres du nombre d’utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux est un travail long et fastidieux. Chaque chiffre sur le nombre d’utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux est soigneusement sélectionné et vérifié par nos équipes, afin de vous proposer les meilleures sources disponibles sur Internet.

Le nombre d’utilisateurs Facebook en Tunisie : 6.700.000 utilisateurs :

Le nombre d’utilisateurs d’instagram en Tunisie : 1.500.000 utilisateurs

Le nombre d’utilisateurs Linkedin en Tunisie : 830.000 utilisateurs

Le nombre d’utilisateurs de Twitter en Tunisie : 115.000 utilisateurs

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