All posts by Djaz

Digital Marketer Manager

Digital Marketing : Trends, News & Insights

About Digital Discovery :

Digital Marketing : News, Trends & Insights

Discover The Latest DIGITAL MARKETING and SOCIAL MEDIA News, Trends & insights in 2018.

Digital Discovery is an online community from Tunisia and resource for professionals in Digital Marketing, social business, communication, customer experience, content marketing and digital strategy, or any other discipline where a thorough understanding of social media is mission-critical.

Created by Djaziri Mohamed who fosters conversation among social media professionals about the world of social media, online community, social marketing, digital media, seo, Email marketing and more.

Get in touch to see how we can help you build and deliver your Digital Strategy :


Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium.

Digital marketing’s development since the 1990’s and 2000’s has changed the way brands and businesses use technology for marketing. As digital platforms are increasingly incorporated into marketing plans and everyday life, and as people use digital devices instead of visiting physical shops, digital marketing campaigns are becoming more prevalent and efficient.

Digital marketing methods :

  • Search engine marketing (SEM) : Search engine optimization (SEO) + Search engine optimization (SEA)
  • Social media marketing (SMM) :  Social media optimization(SMO) + Social media Advertising (SMA)
  • Content marketing, influencer marketing, content automation, campaign marketing, e-commerce marketing, e-mail direct marketing, display advertising, e–books, and optical disks and games are becoming more common in our advancing technology.

20 Instagram statistics every digital marketer should know about for 2023

Here are the latest Instagram statictics from 2017. Use these stats to inform your 2018 social media strategy and see how marketers are looking to expand their brands reach with Instagram.


1. 70% of Instagram posts don’t get seen (Sprout social, 2017)

Before the Instagram algorithm update posts were ordered by featuring the newest posts at the top of your feed. Instead, the change brings about an algorithm-driven feed, which is now ordered by what you are most interested in. Brands, in particular, became concerned that their content might no longer be seen.

2. Instagram has 800 Million users overall (Instagram statistics, 2017)

Instagram has doubled its user base, to 800 million monthly actives in two years, fueled by new features such as stories, shoppable photos, explore pages and many more new features.

3. 70.7% of US businesses are using Instagram in 2017 (Sprout social, 2017)

Brands are more active and prominent on Instagram than ever. Currently, there are more than 1 million brands sharing and promoting their products and stories on the social network.

4. Beyonce holds the record for the most liked Instagram with her pregnancy announcement which garnered almost 11 million likes (Instagram, 2017)

5. 25% of Instagram ads are single videos (Sprout social, 2017)

While photos ads are the most common on Instagram, video has gained a lot of traction. In fact, 25% of Instagram ads are single videos. Video ads are most effective at getting higher engagement rates but tend to cost a bit more than photo ads.

6. There are 2 Million monthly advertisers on Instagram (Instagram, 2017)

7. 7 out of 10 hashtags on Instagram are branded (Sprout social, 2017)

8. Time spent watching video on Instagram is up more than 80% year over year (Instagram, 2017)

9. 59% of Instagram users are 18 to 29 year old  (Smart Insights, 2017)


10. Instagram Stories Has More Than 250 Million Active Daily Users (Sprout social, 2017)

 11. 80% of users follow 1 or more brands on Instagram (Instagram, 2017)

12. Posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement (Hootsuite, 2017)

13. The best time to post on Instagram for the most engagement is at 2am or 5pm on Mondays or Thursdays (CoSchedule, 2017)

14. A recent study suggested that it is far more effective to keep your hashtag count to less than 10 hashtags per post (Smart Insights, 2017)

15. Posts with a location get 79% more engagement (Sprout social, 2017)

16. 75% of Instagram users take action, such as visiting a website, after looking at an Instagram advertising post (Hootsuite, 2017)

17. 48% of all US brands used Instagram to market their business, brand or product (Instasurge, 2017)

18. It has been predicted Instagram will top 100 million US users by 2018 (eMarketer, 2017)

19. 35% Of Instagram’s 700 million users are creating and viewing videos via Stories (Mediakix, 2017)

20. 2x as many Instagram Stories are posted by brands than Snapchat Stories  (Mediakix, 2017)

Instagram can be a powerful platform if used right, so it’s important to keep on top of the latest trends and features.

What are the most interesting Instagram stats you’ve found?


Instagramers can now add photos or videos that are more than 24 hours old to Stories

Now you can add photos and videos to your story, even if you took them more than 24 hours ago. Now, you’ll be able to easily find and choose anything from your camera roll and share it instantly with friends.

If you choose a photo or video that’s more than 24 hours old, you’ll automatically see a new sticker that helps you add context for when it was taken. As with all stickers, you can rotate, resize or remove the date sticker from your story before you share.

To learn more about today’s updates, check out the Instagram Help Center.

These updates are available as part of Instagram version 22 for iOS and version 18 on Android.

BUG with the Facebook ads tools ( Reach and frequency buying )

Facebook ads gives us a couple options for buying brand ads ( Reach and frequency buying & Auction buying ) we can choose thoses options from the Ads mnager or from the Power Editor, but the Reach and frequency buying is NOT alowed for everyone ( Not for me too )

I can’t select to Reach and frequency option :

As facebook Help says : Access to the reach and frequency buying type is rolling out gradually and may not be available to you at this time. ( like me ?)

I have requested access to this option but i have received an email that my account cannot route with Reach and Frequency request.

But, even if i do not have access to this option via ads manager and Power editor, I could use it in another way, how ? I will explain to you ( Here is the Bug ) :

1- First, i access to the campaign Planner tool that i haven’t it from the menu bar by the URL : ( First Bug )

So, as you see, I do not have this tool :

2- Then, i create my Plans with the Compaing Planner ( Frequency cap, audience chedule…) and i click Reserve for purchase :

3-Finaly, i continue to the Power Editor tool and NOW i can use the Buying Type : Reach and Frequency :

Conclusion, if you do not have access to use the reach and frequency buying option, Now you know what to do ?



Free Digital Marketing Books & Tutorials


10 Free Digital Marketing Ebooks That Will Make You a Better Digital Marketer in 2017

1-Instagram Marketing Crash Course for Entrepreneurs

Learn powerful strategies and methods of how to use Instagram to build your audience, your brand and your business!

Download Link :

2-Marketing Analytics: Presenting Digital Marketing Data

Learn how to effectively present digital marketing data from Google Analytics to your stakeholders. Structure your digital marketing report, interpret and present insightful data, and view live examples that show you how to tackle each section of your report.

Download Link :

3- 400+ Essential Digital Marketing Tips

Download “400+ Essential Digital Marketing Tips” 400-Essential-Digital-Marketing-Tips-Djaziri.pdf – Downloaded 3171 times – 2.20 MB

4- Social media – In An English Village

Download “Social media - In An English Village” Social-media-In-An-English-Village.pdf – Downloaded 2135 times – 28.28 MB

5- Social Media Marketing: Facebook & Instagram

Download “Social Media Marketing: Facebook & Instagram” Social-Media-Marketing_-Faceboo-Sudarma-Sopian.pdf – Downloaded 2963 times – 2.90 MB

6- Strategic Social Media From Marketing to Social Change

Download “Strategic Social Media From Marketing to Social Change” Strategic-Social-Media-From-Marketing-to-Social-Change.pdf – Downloaded 2684 times – 5.74 MB

7 – The Social Media WHY: A Busy Professionals Practical Guide to Using Social Media

The Internet and social media have created a new group of Haves and Have-Nots in business. The Haves enjoy a competitive advantage, access to nearly unlimited information, and are pushing the Have-Nots out of leadership roles (and sometimes jobs) in organizations. In The Social Media WHY, marketing strategist and international speaker Crystal Washington dispels the myths surrounding using social media for business and concisely demonstrates the very practical ways that innovative professionals are using social media to become more efficient, effective and connected.

Download “The Social Media WHY” The_Social_Media_WHY_-_Crystal_Washington.pdf – Downloaded 2643 times – 2.47 MB


8- Linkedin – Social Media Marketing

Learn How To Break And Dominate Linkedin!

Download link :

9 – Digital Marketing Strategies for Business Owners

Are you ready to get more sales using a Sales Funnel, Social Media Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing Strategies?

Are you ready to build a sales funnel? connections with customers on social media? and affliate marketers to sell your products?

Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest, Periscope, Blab, and Google+ all have thousands of customers waiting for you.

Download link :

10 – The Art of Digital Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Creating Strategic, Targeted, and Measurable Online Campaigns by Ian Dodson

Have created a new group of Haves and Have-Nots in business. The Haves enjoy a competitive advantage, access to nearly unlimited information, and are pushing the Have-Nots out of leadership roles (and sometimes jobs) in organizations. In The Social Media WHY, marketing strategist and international speaker Crystal Washington dispels the myths surrounding using social media for business and concisely demonstrates the very practical ways that innovative professionals are using social media to become more efficient, effective and connected.

Download “The Art of Digital Marketing” The-art-of-Digital-Marketing.pdf – Downloaded 2604 times – 18.67 MB


Thanks and don’t hesitate to like & share 😉


⚡Les chiffres clés des réseaux sociaux en Tunisie | 2017


Chiffres réseaux sociaux :

Internet prend une place de plus en plus grande dans la vie des Tunisiens.

Sur les 7,5 milliards d’habitants, 3,81 milliards sont internautes (51%) et 2,91 milliards sont actifs sur les réseaux sociaux (39% de la population mondiale)


Alors…combien de personnes utilisent vraiment les réseaux sociaux en Tunisie ?

Si nous avons décidé de rédiger cet article, c’est en particulier pour faire un état des lieux de l’utilisation des principaux réseaux sociaux en Tunisie en 2017 :

Trouver, vérifier et mettre à jour les chiffres du nombre d’utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux est un travail long et fastidieux. Chaque chiffre sur le nombre d’utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux est soigneusement sélectionné et vérifié par nos équipes, afin de vous proposer les meilleures sources disponibles sur Internet.

Le nombre d’utilisateurs Facebook en Tunisie : 6.700.000 utilisateurs :

Le nombre d’utilisateurs d’instagram en Tunisie : 1.500.000 utilisateurs

Le nombre d’utilisateurs Linkedin en Tunisie : 830.000 utilisateurs

Le nombre d’utilisateurs de Twitter en Tunisie : 115.000 utilisateurs

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