All posts by Djaz

Digital Marketer Manager

7 Ways to Boost Your Business in 2018 [Infographic]

Are you looking for ways to boost your business in 2018 ? Want to know how infographics can benefit your business this new year and beyond ? 

Here’s what makes their list :

  • Increased brand awareness
  • Improved Search Engine Optimization
  • Engaging and shareworthy blog content 
  • Easy to digest information

Here are 7 smart things you can do to boost your business :

Docusaurus by Facebook : Open Source Documentation Toolkit

Facebook Introduces Docusaurus, An Open Source Documentation Toolkit to help you manage on one or many open source websites.

They created Docusaurus for the following reasons :

  1. To put the focus on writing great documentation instead of worrying about infrastructure of a website.
  2. To provide feature that many of our source websites need like blog support, search and versioning.
  3. To make it easy to push updates, new features, and bug fixes to everyone all at once.
  4. Finally, to provide a consistent look and feel across our all open source projects


The new Docusaurus pretends to be an easy-to-maintain open source documentation toolkit that uses Markdown to help users write documentations and blog posts. Its job is to publish a set of static HTML files, ready to upload on a server for public viewing.
Docusaurus also provides core website and documentation features out-of-the-box like the blog support, internationalization, search, and versioning. Today Users will no longer need to manually rework their entire website infrastructure each time a new feature gets added.

Docusaurus was born!

At Facebook, Docusaurus allows us to quickly get different projects up and running with documentation websites, especially for teams who don’t have much experience with web development or primarily want a basic site to showcase their project. Docusaurus already supports sites needing more advanced features like internationalization for Jest and versioning for React Native. As different projects request new features for their sites, they are added to Docusaurus and simultaneously provided to all projects! All together, this ends up greatly reducing the work needed to maintain different sites for different projects. Our teams are able to focus on keeping their projects healthier by spending more time adding features, fixing bugs, and writing documentation.

10 Social Media Marketing Strategies for Companies [ Infographic ]

10 amazing social media marketing strategies that will deliver more and better targeted results for your Companies.

Social media marketing can be used for a variety of purposes. Whether it’s social selling, content marketing or customer support, social media gives you the perfect opportunity to reach your target audience and build your brand.

Social media continues to be a spot the place manufacturers can have enjoyable and a measurable influence on the underside line of every enterprise. For that reason, social media can now not reside in a silo and should work in tandem with the entire enterprise technique. If you wish to make sure that your social campaigns contribute in direction of attaining the targets of your model, you should use the steps beneath to make it possible for your aims change into a actuality.

Is your business being represented the way you want it to on social media channels ? If the answer is no, follow these 10 social media branding strategies to amplify your results

Les chiffres clés des réseaux sociaux en Tunisie 2018

Les chiffres clés des réseaux sociaux en Tunisie 2018

En ce début d’année 2018, il est temps de connaître le nombre d’utilisateurs et les chiffres clés des réseaux sociaux ( facebook, instagram et Linkedin) en Tunisie. Il est aussi intéressant d’étudier démographiquement les utilisateurs des différents réseaux sociaux afin d’adopter une stratégie social média efficace et ciblée.



Commençons par le Géant Facebook qui est aujourd’hui le réseau social mondial numéro 1. Depuis son lancement en 2004, la firme californienne réalise année après année une croissance fulgurante et génère des revenus extraordinaires.

Sur les 7 100 000 comptes (~utilisateurs) facebook, on constate que 57% sont des Hommes et 43% sont des femmes. Le réseau cible une population plus jeune qui ont entre 13 et 34 ans.

Nombre d’utilisateurs Facebook en Tunisie par gouvernorat :

Grand Tunis ( Tunis, Ariana, Manouba et Ben Arous )



Lancé en 2010 par Kevin Systrom2 et Michel Mike ,Instagram connaît une croissance exponentielle depuis son rachat par Facebook en octobre 2012. Le réseau social de partage de photo a considérablement évolué ces derniers temps, notamment avec l’arrivée des publicités disponibles pour tous les annonceurs, le multicompte et analyse des statistiques, le profil business, les stories, et tout récemment le live !

Pour instagram, en Tunisie, nous assistons à une égalité entre hommes et femmes présents sur cette application. On constate une majorité de 13-24 ans présentes sur l’application d’instagram.



Linkedin est aujourd’hui le principal réseau social professionnel. Microsoft a créé la surprise en opérant son rachat, le plus gros de l’histoire du social media : Le rachat de Linkedin par Microsoft pour 26,2 Milliards de dollars ? ?

Avec 880 000 utilisateurs tunisiens, Linkedin est légèrement favorisé par les Hommes qui représentent 63% des utilisateurs actifs.

Alors est-ce que vous êtes d’accord avec les chiffres des réseaux sociaux ?

N’hésitez pas à partager votre opinion dans les commentaires ci-dessous et surtout à partager cet article sur Facebook ! ?

Google Year in Search 2017 [ Infographic ]

Explore the searches that shaped 2017, from Google Trends. #yearinsearch.

?It doesn’t matter what you believe in, or where you’re from, 2017 was a tough year, and for better or worse, Google was there quietly observing it all in the background.

?Last week↩, the giant Google released its annual Year In Search data, alongside a two-minute video summarizing the most popular searches conducted around the world over the last year.

?”How”? is the theme of Google 2017 Year in Search video, the search giant’s annual breakdown of the year’s search trends. It’s a video that celebrates humanity’s constant need to question, to discover, and to help ?

The infographic below outlines the latest search trends – an interesting overview of the year that was, and the topics that captured our collective interest.

Your 2018 Social Media Calendar – Download it !

Want a complete information to all the important thing occasions taking place in 2018 ? Are you a Community Manager, Social Media Manager or a Digital Marketer ? Then we’ve got a download that should be right up your street. Your social media calendar of 2018 !


As a social media marketer, you’ll know all too well the importance of planning your campaigns well ahead of time. The easiest advertising and marketing campaigns are plotted to the nth diploma, with no stone left unturned.

To help you get your ducks in a row, this is our social media calendar for 2018. That includes all the standard milestones such as valentine’s Day and Black Friday, it additionally consists of loads of quirky, bitesize occasions that provides you with the chance to place collectively fast-win advertising and marketing campaigns. We’re speaking Groundhog Day, Nationwide Selfie Day and Left Handers Day.

The calendar also comes with trending hashtags to allow you to extract maximum advertising and marketing juice. #Hashtags2018 #SocialMedia2018

So so so… if you’re after an at-a-look information to the coming year, download this Social Media Calendar 2018 ?


Download “Social media Calendar 2018” Social-media-calendar-2018.pdf – Downloaded 5421 times – 2.40 MB


Digital Marketing 2018 : Téléchargez gratuitement le nouveau livre de l’EBG

Vous souhaitez recevoir un exemplaire du livre “Digital Marketing 2018” de l’EBG ?

Vous souhaitez vous former en Marketing Digital ou réactualiser vos connaissances ? 

Découvrez dans les 8 chapitres thématiques de cette 13e édition de Digital Marketing 2018 – anciennement Internet Marketing – toutes les nouvelles tendances du marché, les chiffres-clés, les campagnes les plus innovantes et des conseils d’experts sur des problématiques digitales d’actualité : de l’intelligence artificielle à la transformation digitale des entreprises en passant par l’engagement client, tout y est !

Digital Marketing 2018 : 

Téléchargez gratuitement le nouveau livre incontournable de l’EBG  ⏬

Download “Digital Markreting 2018” digital-marketing-2018.pdf – Downloaded 54729 times – 3.92 MB

International Bad Buzz for Fly Emirates discrimination against women

Tunisia has banned Emirates airline from touchdown within the capital Tunis after quite a few Tunisian ladies have been prevented from boarding its flights.

The transfer comes amid widespread anger in Tunisia, with rights teams condemning “racist and discriminatory” measures.

Here are some articles from around the world about fly emirates :

The transport ministry mentioned the measure would keep in place till Emirates was capable of “operate flights in accordance with law and international agreements.”

Tunisian authorities officers stated the UAE had banned Tunisian women from flying to or transiting by its territory.

Watch the 2018 Range Rover Evoque Vs the World’s Largest Bump

Even though being on the market since 2011, the Range Rover Evoque is still managing to attract lots of motorists thanks to its great looks, modern features and premium feel. 

#Advertising Range Rover Evoque Stunt – Speed Bump

Posted by Digital Discovery on Wednesday, December 20, 2017

However, with newer rivals arriving at the segment, Land Rover found a clever way of advertising the Evoque using a huge Bump :
What it did was set up a stunt that concerned putting in the world’s greatest  bump on a british metropolis highway. Highway customers had been confused by the huge impediment, with some turning their vehicles round and others attempting to drive over it with no success.

So,in case your native authorities has the irritating behavior of shutting down the whole streets with massive velocity bumps,the Evoque seems to be the proper car for you.