Shani louk paraded by Hamas while attending nova festival

German tattoo artist, 30, was killed by Hamas while attending a music festival before the militants paraded her body in the back of a truck and claimed she was an Israeli soldier – despite her family being devastated Her lag said she was in a ‘nightmare’

Shani Louk, 30, was attending a peaceful music festival when she was captured by terrorists who attacked Israel in a surprise attack that left at least 480 people dead and 3,200 injured.

His body was filmed sprawled across the back of the truck, with one leg at an unnatural angle, with terrorists sitting around him and supporters of the group cheering, running alongside and spitting on him. ta.


It happened when Shani’s mother Ricarda posted a heartbreaking video pleading for help to find out what happened to her daughter.

Holding a photo of Shani on her mobile phone, she said:
“This morning, my daughter, Shani Nicole Louk, a German citizen, was kidnapped by Palestinian Hamas along with a group of tourists in southern Israel.


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