Most Deleted Apps 2023

Recent research has unveiled a significant global inclination towards deleting Instagram compared to other social media platforms in the current year. The report highlights Instagram as the platform users are most inclined to remove from their digital repertoire. Shockingly, over 1 million individuals worldwide sought guidance on ‘how to delete (my) Instagram account’ each month throughout 2023, equating to more than 12,500 searches per 100,000 people globally.

Once the unrivaled titan of photo-sharing applications under the Meta umbrella, Instagram has enjoyed years of dominance. However, researchers suggest that evolving trends, an inundation of advertisements, and the prevalent use of the platform by influencers for brand endorsements may have dampened user enthusiasm. It’s noteworthy that Instagram still boasts a staggering user base of over 2 billion worldwide. Nevertheless, researchers caution that if this monthly exodus of a million users persists, it could forecast ominous times ahead for the once-revered app.


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