Video : MLB Fan Gets Tasered and Handcuffed After Running Onto Field

Attention baseball enthusiasts: jumping onto the field and performing stunts like backflips in front of police officers can result in being tased and handcuffed on the ground.

This cautionary tale became a reality on Tuesday night during the game between the Cincinnati Reds and the Cleveland Guardians. A video of the incident starts off relatively calmly, showing a man casually interacting with an outfielder at Great American Ball Park in Ohio.

The situation quickly escalated as the man sprinted away, pursued by a police officer armed with a Taser. The man waved his arms while the officer closed in on him. In a surprising turn, the man abruptly stopped and executed a backflip, nearly colliding with the officer before attempting to flee again.

His escape was short-lived. The officer raised the Taser and fired, delivering a jolt that caused the man to collapse face-first onto the grass.

This incident serves as a stark reminder that field invasions at sporting events are taken very seriously and can lead to severe consequences.





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