fat leonard prisoner swap video

A defense contractor, central to one of the most significant bribery scandals in the history of the U.S. military, is anticipated to face additional charges following his repatriation from Venezuela. This return is part of a broader prisoner exchange between the United States and Venezuela, as disclosed by a federal prosecutor on Thursday.

Leonard Glenn Francis, famously known as “Fat Leonard,” appeared before a federal judge for the first time since removing his ankle monitor and evading authorities last year, just weeks before a scheduled sentencing hearing. The charges against him include offering over $500,000 in cash bribes to Navy officials, defense contractors, and other individuals.

Previously apprehended in Venezuela, Leonard Glenn Francis had been in custody there until his recent return to the United States. His repatriation was part of a comprehensive swap that occurred on Wednesday, coinciding with the release of 10 American detainees by Venezuela. In exchange for these releases, the Biden administration agreed to free Alex Saab, a Colombian-born businessman and a close associate of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, who was facing money laundering charges in the U.S.



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