2018 : the year of Video Marketing [Infographic]

Most likely you’ve heard the details – online video drives better engagement, live video is seeing gigantic reaction rates, 80% of all web activity will be video by 2019.

If you’re not sure whether you should be investing in video content, the evidence is fairly clear. And while not everyone has the capacity, or capability, to create great video material, there are more options and tools with which to do so than ever before. With a little creative thinking, you should be able to tap into video in some form to help boost your marketing efforts.

Underlining this, the team from depositphotos have put together this new infographic of key video stats for 2018.

Underlining this, the team have put together this new infographic of key video details for 2018.

Among the key information focuses:

  • 90% of shoppers say video can enable them to settle on purchasing choices
  • Saying the word ‘video’ in your email title builds open rates by 19%
  • Video on presentation pages can build transformations by up to 80%

For more video details, look at the full infographic underneath:

Video digital marketing 2018 infographic



Digital Marketer Manager