iran viral dance video

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In a surprising turn of events, a 70-year-old man, affectionately known as “Uncle Sadegh,” has become an unexpected symbol of resistance in Iran. His infectious dance moves, captured at a Rasht fish market, went viral, triggering a series of dance-inspired protests. This grassroots movement, fueled by chants of “ow, ow, ow, ow!” expressing local excitement, soon caught the attention of authorities, resulting in a temporary crackdown on social media channels.

The Independent reports that Uncle Sadegh’s exuberant display led to a wave of dance-inspired protests, prompting Iranian clerics to take swift action. In an attempt to curb potential civil disobedience, police apprehended a dozen men featured in Sadegh’s viral video. Their social media accounts were deactivated, and the video was removed from online platforms. According to the New York Times, the arrested men endured physical beatings, warnings of legal consequences, and were coerced into signing pledges not to engage in public dancing again—a scenario reminiscent of the movie “Footloose.”

Uncle Sadegh, also known as Booghy (derived from the Persian word for megaphone), faced detention, and his Instagram account was closed by officials who cited violations of Islamic norms. Among these norms is a selectively enforced ban on public dancing. The incident highlights the clash between cultural expressions of joy and the authorities’ concerns about potential societal unrest.

This unforeseen movement, sparked by the spirited dance of an elderly man, sheds light on the complex dynamics between cultural expression, societal norms, and governmental control in Iran.

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